Retail eCommerce has become an increasingly profitable industry with extraordinary opportunity for profit. Even as a beginner in eCommerce, the tools and resources are all laid out for you. In choosing a business model, it’s always important to examine trends and to move into growth markets whenever possible.
Whatever you are looking to start a new company, or interested in diversifying and expanding, here are some key points taht you need to take into consideration:
- Create an an engaging and easy to use website: your website plays a key role in the success of your online business. The website must be professional, attractive and easy for your visitors to navigate.
- Minimize load time: Nothing is more annoying to a customer shopping online than a website that just won’t load.
- Think mobile: Mobile optimization is an absolute must, because more searches are being completed on mobile devices than desktops.
- Optimize your website for SEO: tell the search engine bots what your website is about and and make it user for your customers and potential clients to find you
- Create Good and high quality images: An image enhances the product description which makes it appealing for the visitors of the eStore. Optimize your product images for search and sales, and make them shareable on social media platforms
Omnichannel is not only for big companies
Omnichannel strategy is to encourage shopping across channels so that customers who shop only in stores will begin also buying online, and vice versa.
Small and medium-sized must connects the dots between the offline and online shopping experience. How can you do it?
- Try Ipads kiosks and make it easy access to your products and services
- Adopt cloud-based technology, which enables businesses with multiple stores to better access and effectively manage stock and storerooms in a more efficient way.
- There are many technology companies that have already created services you can use, such as iZettle, Shopify, Squarespace, Vend and others can give even a mobile market stall an e-commerce website, point-of-sale systems, and click-and-collect capabilities that are equal to – or better than – many of the big players.
e-Commerce Owners must be able to deliver an effective and emotionally-engaging brand experience across their e-commerce, mobile, social media, stores to make their business successful.
How can I help you?
- Create and optimize your e-commerce/ominchanel strategy
- Perform consulting, evaluation and analysis necessary to provide support to your eCommerce strategy
- Conducts product development research through online research, industry workgroups, consultation with vendors and subject matter experts
- Help you to select the right platform and technology for your business
- Manage your online investments and results to maximize ROI